About us

The Spanish Regional Student Group (RSG-Spain) is a non-profit group of students and researchers who aim to bring young people working on the areas of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics together. RSG-Spain is a member of The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council (SC) Regional Student Groups (RSG).

Our aim is to promote the development of students and young researchers to make the most of their academic careers and provide an environment to share the knowledge and experiences among young scientists from differents institutions. In order to achieve this, we organize several activities such as yearly symposiums, workshops and courses in which we share knowledge and experiences about networking, training opportunities, collaboration and career advices.

We are actively recruiting new members. If you are interested in joining us, please fill the form in the Contact section.



Javier Lanillos

Welcome board
Javier is a biomedical engineer focused in the field of bioinformatics. He is currently pursuing a PhD in the fields of cancer genomics of Renal Cell Carcinoma and pharmacogenomics at the Spanish National Cancer Center (CNIO) in Madrid. His main interest relies on the exploitation of omics and clinical data to develop genomics medicine solutions.

Tamara Hernández

Secretary & Canarias node leader
Tamara is a biologist with a master's degree in Biomedicine. She is doing a PhD at the University of La Laguna with a predoctoral contract by the Carlos III Health Institute on the identification of genetic factors related to the survival and exacerbation of sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome. She is currently the leader of the Canary Islands node and secretary of RSG-Spain

Sara Monzón

Sara is a bioinformatics analyst currently working in the Bioinformatics Unit in the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) in Madrid. Her main goal is to provide support for introducing genomics into research, medicine and Public Health. She is currently RSG-Spain leader.

Alex Martínez

Euskadi node leader
Alex is a computational biologist at Biodonostia Health Research Institute, currently doing his PhD in single-cell RNA sequencing of skin wounds. He is also studying maths part-time at UNED. He is the leader of the Euskadi local node in RSG-Spain, and also helps with other tasks from the group.

Miguel Juliá

Madrid node leader
Miguel is a Mathematician currently working as a bioinformatician in the Bioinformatics Unit of Institute of Health Carlos III. He always liked medicine, coding and computers, so when he discovered he could mix them all into Bioinformatics, the choice was a no brainer. He’s Madrid Node leader in RSG-Spain.

Alba Álvarez

Board member
Alba obtained her degree in Biology from the University of Salamanca. She has been trained as a bioinformatician since she was a sophomore. Currently, she is doing her PhD at Miguel Manzanares Lab (CNIC), as a bioinformatician in the Functional Genomic’s group. She is involved as a member of the board of RSG-Spain

Lluís Revilla

Social media
Lluís is a biotechnologist turned into a bioinformatician from Barcelona. Loves to work with R to provide solutions and answer to questions, both, scientific and of public interest. Member of the IBD BCN lab. Helps with the social media of RSG-spain.

Claudia Arnedo

Social media
Claudia is a biomedical scientist currently working on her PhD in cancer genomics at the Barcelona Biomedical Genomics Lab (IRB Barcelona). She helps support RSG-Spain social media together with other general tasks.

Mario Rodríguez

Web manager
Mario is a biochemist with master's degrees in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics & Biostatistics. He is currently doing his PhD at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, on the evolutionary dynamics of Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) and antiphage defense systems in Bacteria. He is in charge of the web together with Adrián.